Happy Birthday!
Olivia Orange
Birthday: February 17th
Wanda Watermelon
BirthdayJanuary 27th
Brandie Banana
BirthdayMarch 8th
Pedro and Petra Peas
BirthdayApril 14th
Angie Avocado
BirthdayMay 4th
Charlie Cucumber
BirthdayMay 19th
Reese Raisin
BirthdayJune 7th
Maggie MangoBirthday
June 24th
Stanley Strawberry
BirthdayJuly 11th
Becky and Bo Blueberry
BirthdayJuly 22nd
Cedric Celery
BirthdayAugust 10th
Tyree and Tischa Tomato
BirthdaySeptember 8th
Alicia Apple
BirthdaySeptember 22nd
Georgia and Gigi Grapes
BirthdayOctober 11th
Carlos Carrot
BirthdayOctober 25th
Kevin Kiwi
BirthdayNovember 9th
Salvadore Spinach
BirthdayNovember 21st
Gracie Grapefruit
BirthdayDecember 6th