Create The Next Snack Pal
Top 10
Wow, you are all such amazing artists, just like Becky & Bo Blueberry! We loved seeing your creations and are excited for a new Pal! Check out the Top 10 entries below.
You can help us pick the winner by voting for your favorite. Just click the “vote” button below and select the entry you would like to vote for. Remember: you can only vote once! Make sure you come back in November to check out the winner!
For more information, see Official Rules.
Time's up
Character Name:
Super Berry Raz
Character Name:
Benny & Penny Cherries
Character Name:
Poppy Papaya
Poppy Papaya
Child Name: Matilda
Child Grade: 4th
Character Name: Poppy Papaya
Character Description: This is Poppy Papaya! She is delicious! Her superpower is making you super healthy! I selected papaya because when you have her, it lowers the chance of having a heart attack! And, she gives you great doses of vitamin A, C, and E! She is great for your health! There are so many ways you can cook papaya. And you can eat her every day! A papaya a day keeps diseases away!
Character Name:
Wanda the Watermelon
Wanda the Watermelon
Child Name: 3rd
Child Grade: Adalyn
Character Name: Wanda the Watermelon
Character Description: Hi! I’m Wanda the Watermelon. I’m good for your heart and I help you blood move around your body. I’m also sweet and refreshing. I chose watermelon because I like it’s bright colors. It’s important to me to eat a rainbow so I get lots of nutrients!
Character Name:
Naomi the Nectarine
Naomi the Nectarine
Child Name: Eleanor
Child Grade: 4th
Character Name: Naomi the Nectarine
Character Description: Naomi the Nectarine is full of niacin, which is good for your skin. Naomi just moved here and is new to the group, but she’s always there to lend a hand. I chose Naomi because nectarines are my favorite fruit, and they’re overflowing with healthiness.
Character Name:
Pineapple Pete
Pineapple Pete
Child Name: Mika
Child Grade: 4th
Character Name: Pineapple Pete
Character Description: Pineapple Pete can help with inflammation and pain because he’s full of an enzyme called bromelain. He loves summer and listening to people argue about if he belongs on pizza. I chose a pineapple because it’s a fun snack that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.
Character Name:
Perry the Pear
Perry the Pear
Child Name: Uriah
Child Grade: 2nd
Character Name: Perry the Pear
Character Description: My superpower is helping to keep your body working well. I am full of fiber, vitamins and nutrients that help to manage Type 2 Diabetes and help your digestion. I picked a pear because it is one of my favorite fruits.
Character Name:
Arty the Artichoke
Character Name:
Peter & Piper Pepper
Peter & Piper Pepper
Child Name: Addison
Child Grade: 3rd
Character Name: Peter & Piper Pepper
Character Description: Meet Peter and Piper Pepper: The Brain Squad! They are 8 just like me!! The crunchy duo has lots of Vitamin A and B6 which helps brains grow. I like that peppers are crunchy. I eat them like apples sometimes. I like them in salads. They have great texture and taste.