Get to know some of the Snack Pals and learn some fun facts about fruits and veggies.

Alicia Apple

Alicia Apple

Alicia Apple is super smart. Because of the nutrients found in apples that help our brains remember things, Alicia can remember a lot of facts at one time. Impressive!

Wanda Watermelon

Wanda Watermelon

Pink looks good on Wanda. It means Wanda has lycopene - an antioxidant that helps keep us strong and may also provide our skin some extra protection from the sun.

Georgia and Gigi Grape

Georgia and Gigi Grape

These happy little Pals have nutrients that will put you in a good mood.

Stanley Strawberry

Stanley Strawberry

Stanley has the incredible ability to warm someone’s heart. Because of the potassium found in strawberries, Stanley can cheer them up when they’re feeling sad.

Cedric Celery

Cedric Celery

The Snack Pals call Cedric "the number cruncher" because Cedric can solve super tough math problems mentally. Keep on crunchin' Cedric!

Charlie Cucumber

Charlie Cucumber

Charlie contains 95% water, helping keep you hydrated. Thanks for looking out for your Pals, Charlie!

Carlos Carrot

Carlos Carrot

Did you know Carlos has super vision? The vitamin A found in carrots helps our eyes stay healthy and strong.

Brandie Banana

Brandie Banana

Brandie is high in potassium, helping you learn new things that help our bodies and brains grow!

Angie Avocado

Angie Avocado

When you eat an avocado, it's like giving your body a special kind of energy. It has good fats, which are like the building blocks that help make your muscles and brain work really well.

Gracie Grapefruit

Gracie Grapefruit

Choline found in grapefruit assists with brain development so you can have a super mind like Gracie!

Becky and Bo Blueberry

Becky and Bo Blueberry

This goofy gang is full of antioxidants that help keep our body’s immune system strong.

Reese Raisin

Reese Raisin

These guys have iron that helps our body fix cuts and scrapes. Raisins are caring and comforting and love to help heal!

Salvador Spinach

Salvador Spinach

Salvador has vitamin B which helps our body turn our food into fuel! Salvador is full of energy and can jump really high!

Olivia Orange

Olivia Orange

Olivia can help brighten our days with a bright, cheery and positive attitude! Thanks for lifting up your Snack Pals, Olivia!

Kevin Kiwi

Kevin Kiwi

Did you know Kevin has super smell? Kiwis are loaded with zinc to help our senses of taste and smell.

Maggie Mango

Maggie Mango

Maggie loves to stretch using vitamin C which helps our bodies be flexible!

Tyree and Tischa Tomato

Tyree and Tischa Tomato

These Pals travel in a pack and are loaded with nutritious vitamin A!

Pedro and Petra Peas

Pedro and Petra Peas

They’re peas in a pod and they’re always happy and giggling. Open up the pod to find the peas!

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